Spring Boot

HTTP Basic Authentication Architecture diagram

Security Using JWT Token

Q- What is Spring Boot? Why should you use it?
Q- What is the name of configuration file used in Spring Boot?
Answer:   application.Properties.
Q- What is spring boot initializr?
Answer: It is a web tool which is provided by Spring on official site i.e https://start.spring.io/ we can use this tool to generate spring boot project by selection your required dependencies and then download.
Q- What are some important features of using Spring Boot?

  • Spring Initializer
  • spring-boot-devtools
  • Starter dependency
  • Auto-Configuration
  • Spring Actuator
  • Spring CLI

Q- What is the difference between RequestMapping and GetMapping in spring boot?
Q- What are the advantages of spring boot application?
Q- What is the difference between Spring Boot and Spring MVC?
Q- What are the requirements of Spring boot 2 System?
     Java 8 +
     Spring 5
     Spring Boot 2.1.3.RELEASE requires
     Build Support Tool: Maven 3.3+ OR Gradle 4.4+
     Container Support: Tomcat 9 OR Jetty 9.4
     Flyway 5
     Hibernate 5.2
     Thymeleaf 3
Q- What is the use of @EnableAutoConfiguration annotation?
Q- What is spring-boot-starter-parent?
Q- What is spring-boot-starter-web?
Q- How to create an executable jar using spring boot?
Q- How do you run and stop spring boot executable jar?
Q- How do you change JDK version in spring boot?
Q- What is the use of @SpringBootApplication annotation?
      @SpringBootApplication annotation is equivalent to as given below.
      @SpringBootApplication = @Configuration + @EnableAutoConfiguration +  @ComponentScan
Q- What is spring-boot-dev tools?
Q- What are Profiles in spring boot? i.e. @Profile 
Q- Spring Boot Actuator?
Q- How do you Change tomcat or jetty HTTP port?
Q- How to disable specific auto-configuration in spring boot?
Q- We can exclude any specific auto-configuration property to disable specific autoconfiguration.
Q- What is LiveReload?
Q- How to exclude auto restart for static files?
Q- How to start the spring boot application in debug mode?
      java -jar project_name-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar –debug
Q- What are the advantages of YAML file than Properties file?
Q- What are the different ways to load YAML file in Spring boot?

  • YamlPropertiesFactoryBean will load YAML as Properties.
  • YamlMapFactoryBean will load YAML as a Map.

Q- What are the advantages of spring Externalized Configuration?
Q- How to write custom log configuration in spring boot?
Q- How do you customize Favicon in spring boot web application?
Q- How spring boot handle the error in the application?
Q- How do you Create a deployable war file in spring boot?
Q- What is Hot swapping in spring boot?
Q- How do you Switch off the Spring Boot security configuration?
Q- How to execute Spring Batch jobs on startup?
Q- Does spring boot need Logging? What is the default one?
Q- How do you configure Configure Logback for logging?
Q- How do you Configure Log4j for logging?
Q- How do you write a JSON REST service in spring boot?
Q- How do you Write an XML REST service in spring boot?
Q- What is the default Multipart File Uploads size in spring boot?
Q- How do you Enable HTTP response compression in spring boot?
Q- How do you Enable HTTP2 Support in Spring Boot application? Or How to use HTTP2 protocol in Spring Boot applications
Q- How do you add a Servlet, Filter or Listener to an application?
Q- How to enable auto reload in spring boot application?
Q- How to connect an external databaselike MSSQL etc with spring boot application?
Q- What is the difference between JPA and Hibernate?
Q- How to implement spring security with spring boot application?
Q- What is the difference between An Embedded Container And War?

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