Q- What is immutable in java?
Immutable class:-
Q- How can we create custom immutable calss in java?
To create the immuatble calss in java we have to follow as given points.
Immutable class:-
- Immutable classes are the classes whose objects value can not be canged once they are initialized.
- All the wrapper calsse are immutable in java.
- Immutable objects are instances that can't change the state after it has been initialized
Q- How can we create custom immutable calss in java?
To create the immuatble calss in java we have to follow as given points.
- Class should be declare final so it can’t be extended.
- Instance varriable or fields of immutable class should be private final.So that direct access is not allowed. because final is a non-access modifier for Java elements.
- instance variable "all the fields" should be initialize via the constructer, should be performing deep copy
- Remove the setter methods (Don’t provide setter methods for variables) so no one can change the value once its initialized.
- If a immutable calss has mutable reference than make all mutable fields final so that it’s value can be assigned only once.
- Perform cloning of objects in the getter methods and in constuctor to return a copy rather than returning the actual object reference.
package com.shubh.immutable.example;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
public final class MyImmutableClass {
private final int id;
private final String name;
private final HashMap testMap;
public int getId() {
return id;
public String getName() {
return name;
public HashMap getTestMap() {
return testMap;
// return (HashMap) testMap.clone();
public MyImmutableClass(int id, String name, HashMap hashMap) {
System.out.println("Performing Deep Copy for Object initialization");
this.id = id;
this.name = name;
HashMap tempMap = new HashMap();
String key;
Iterator it = hashMap.keySet().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
key = it.next();
tempMap.put(key, hashMap.get(key));
this.testMap = tempMap;
public static void main(String[] args) {
int id = 10;
String name = "My First Company";
HashMap map = new HashMap();
map.put("1", "String One");
map.put("2", "String Two");
// Create instance of MyImmutableClass calss
MyImmutableClass myImmObj = new MyImmutableClass(id, name, map);
System.out.println("1) Id: " + myImmObj.getId() + ", Name: "+ myImmObj.getName() + ", TestMap: " + myImmObj.getTestMap());
System.out.println(" ");
System.out.println("##### Now lets change values of local variable");
id = 20;
name = "My Second Company";
map.put("3", "String Three");
// After Change lets print the values again
System.out.println("2) After Change ###### Id:" + myImmObj.getId()+ ", Name: " + myImmObj.getName() + ", TestMap: "+ myImmObj.getTestMap());
HashMap hmTest = myImmObj.getTestMap();
hmTest.put("4", "New String");
System.out.println(" ");
System.out.println("3) Check testMap after changing variable from accessor methods: " + myImmObj.getTestMap());
Q- How to identify that object is immutable object in java?- Check if every field is private final.
- Check if class is final.
- Check for mutable members.
Question :
What is output of below program? can we change the value of object
package com.javaiq.in.user;
public class MainFinalReferenceTest {
public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, CloneNotSupportedException {
// get the Class instance using new Operator
final User ref = new User();
Yes, we can change the value of object, here only reference is final. So we
can not assign new object into same reference.
package com.javaiq.in.user;
public class MainFinalReferenceTest {
public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, CloneNotSupportedException {
// get the Class instance using new Operator
final User ref = new User();
// set new values
System.out.println("Changed Value : " + ref.toString());
User [id=1, name=User1]
Changed Value : User [id=2, name=User2]
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